Saturday 20 August 2016


       In Tanzania about 80% of population is directly or indirectly depends upon the farming. Hence it is said that Tanzania is an agricultural based country. But till now our farmers are doing farming in same traditional ways. They are doing seed sowing, fertilizers and pesticides spraying, cultivating by conventional methods. There is need of development in this sector and most commonly on fertilizers pesticides spraying technique, because it requires more efforts and time to spray by traditional way.
         Most of African nations are at developing stage and they are facing the problem of high population and as compared to that agricultural productivity is much lower as compared to developed nations. Tanzania is one of the nations who is facing the same problem. This is caused due to low level farms, insufficient power availability to farms and poor level of farm mechanization
.         In order to meet the requirement of food of growing population and rapid industrialization, there is a need of the modernization of agriculture sector. On many farms production suffers because, delay in sowing, improper distribution suffer because delay in sowing, improper distribution of pesticides and fertilizers, harvesting. Mechanization solves all the problems which are responsible for low production. It conserves the input and precision in work and get better and equal distribution. It reduces quantity needed for better response, prevent the losses and wastage of input applied. It get high productivity so that cost of production will reduced.
      To reach the requirement of production Agriculture implement and machinery program of the government take steps to increase availability of implement, pumps, tractors, power tillers, harvester and other power operated machines. Special emphasis was laid on the later as more than 35% of the farmers fall in small and marginal category. Generally mechanization of small forms is very difficult and non-affordable but in some developed countries make it happens. They are by proper mechanization they did farming and get more production than Tanzanian. They are using the modern time saving machine of required sizes to get more production. Developed countries led agriculture to new heights
           As we have seen in Tanzania mechanical sprayer farmers need to pump manually, as a result, spraying remains difficult task with these sprayers. Today, we decided to design bicycle sprayer which is much
Spraying of pesticides and other chemicals in the far is a tedious and laborious task. The conventional knapsack sprayers available in the market require manual labor to operate, and nowadays labor is difficult to find due to movement of farm laborers toward cities. The small farmers cannot afford to buy the power operated sprayer or tractor-mounted sprayers available in the market, as these are very costly and are of not much use to small farmers due to small land holdings. Spraying of pesticides and other chemicals in the far is a tedious and laborious task. The conventional knapsack sprayers available in the market require manual labor to operate, and nowadays labor is difficult to find due to movement of farm laborers toward cities. The small farmers cannot afford to buy the power operated sprayer or tractor-mounted sprayers available in the market, as these are very costly and are of not much use to small farmers due to small land holdings. easier to operate than its predecessor as it is powered by bicycle.

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